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House of Mushroom

Fresh Baby King Trumpet 200gm

Fresh Baby King Trumpet 200gm

Regular price PKR 500
Regular price Sale price PKR 500
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King oyster mushroom is a delicious edible mushroom with a thick stem and thin, flat cap. Often the stem is nearly as wide as the cap. King oyster mushrooms have several English names, including king trumpet, royal trumpet, French horn, and scallop mushrooms. And, if you’re wondering, why is it called king oyster mushroom? There are a couple of reasons. Firstly, when it comes to flavor and texture, many consider the king oyster superior to other oyster mushrooms. And flavor and texture are not the only things that make them superior. They’re also the largest species of oyster mushrooms.

Although king oysters and other oysters are part of the same genus or family, Pleurotus, they’re different species. Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) grow in clusters and have short stems with oyster-shaped caps. King oyster mushrooms have a meaty texture and, depending on how you cook them, can sometimes taste like mild-flavored meats.

Because they retain their texture well when cooked, vegans often use them as a substitute for scallops, and when crispy fried with a crunchy coating, they taste similar to chicken. But, to appreciate their mushroomy flavor, it’s best to saute them. Like other oyster mushrooms, sauteeing brings out their unique earthy flavors.

 Can You Eat King Oyster Raw?

Technically you can eat king oyster mushrooms raw, but this is not the best way to enjoy them, and they’re usually not served raw. Some mushrooms, like enoki, taste good eaten raw or cooked. But, raw king oysters have little flavor other than being slightly metallic and are tough and hard to chew. Cooking brings out their delicious umami flavors and also makes them more nutritious. The heat helps break down their cell walls, releasing nutrients and medicinal compounds

 How to Store King Oyster Mushrooms?

Unless you are lucky enough to find king oysters loose at a farmer’s market, they’ll usually come in plastic packaging. 

You can store them in your fridge in this packaging for a few days. But first, poke a few holes in the plastic so excess moisture can escape and the mushrooms can breathe.

But, if you need to store your king oysters longer, a loosely closed paper bag on a shelf in the fridge, not in the crisper drawer, is the best way to extend their life.

How long do king oyster mushrooms last? When stored correctly in the fridge, king oysters last longer than most other types of mushrooms. 

The average shelf life of other oyster mushrooms is 2 to 7 days, while king oysters last an average of 10 days in the fridge and in ideal conditions can last more than two weeks

Health and Nutritional Benefits of King Oyster Mushrooms

King oyster mushrooms are not only delicious, but they’re also full of beneficial nutrients and medicinal compounds.

Like other oyster mushrooms, king oysters are fat-free, low in cholesterol and sodium, high in protein and fiber, and low in carbs making them valuable as part of a keto diet.

They’re a good source of riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, potassium, copper, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese.

King oysters are also full of antioxidants and, even when cooked, contain large amounts of the amino acid L- ergothioneine, a potent antioxidant.

The beneficial compounds in king oysters help humans maintain good health by activating our immune systems, and studies show they have potential anticancer and antiviral benefits.

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